Was the David Mark ''failed'' Delegate to U.A. E really Necessary?

During the last concluded Fifa under 17 world cup in the U.A.E the federal government appointed some delegates led by Senate President -David Mark to go cheer up the boys for their Final match with Mexicans. Am i correct here...? Just checking ....because we hear so many news  with  names from all angles in this country and at times ...one get confused which one to listen and believe in. Ok... now, somehow....the group of delegates could not make it to the finals. 
Most Nigerians started their mouth runs....ahhhaaaa... you know recently Nigerians are soooooooooooo angry each time they get a whimp of Government spending some kind of money when they, the citizens are bleeding dry in the area of good living. So the tongues start wagging within these few past days (while most of them never knew the delegates could not make it afterall)...eeeeehhhh but that does not  matter....the issue here is that, money has exchanged hands and Nigerians have not recovered from the Aviation money scandal which every dick/harry happens to be so bitter about and now this U.A.E delegate stuff?  

Still on my question and most Nigerian question of if - it was really necessary to have asked the delegates to go to U.A.E?  What would they have done differently to cheer up the boys that the President, coaches, and soccer loving Nigerians did not do?  No....i seriously need to hear from anyone reading this....to comment on this ...maybe i and other Nigerians who were asking the same question are wrong and need to be corrected. 

Do you know that their presence would have been some kind of distraction to the boys ...somehow?  Well good ...they won the cup but going the way our big men parade themselves...the endless protocols and receptions... these boys would have been involved with this delegates runs and logistics of meeting them.....parleying with them and other stuff  rather than facing the huge task ahead of them.......yea maybe if they have met them on thursday night prior to friday  (such meetings are always at nights....very late nights.......) the boys will end up sleeping late and not getting enough sleep ...or even drinking too much wine and Champagne....and you know what that means to their strength and energy psych.

Alright, the President meant well by appointing some kind of officials to assure the boys Nigerian Government was/is behind them but it is just the ''big man-govt-official-politics '' stuff  our leaders are used to and portrays that always get in the way of such good intentions.  They must make some kind of ''entrance'' noise.....affluence recognition of some sort.....and me and you know that such recognition hardly go without spending hard cash!!!!  Well, let us hope the noise has calmed down on this issue and the happiness of our boys getting the cup back home taken over!!!!

Congrats to our boys though for that smashing -football skills exhibition in the Finals with the Mexicans!!!! Incredible football game i have not seen any team played in Nigeria for some years now......the Ihenacho...Mohammed..Yahaya...team got the Nigerian football GROOVE back!!!!!


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