She is still nursing her baby, she works 9-5...she still comes back to cook and attend to the husband as well. How does such a woman cope with all these and still be successful? Are there ways the family can help out to make life easy for her? A woman in such a situation can really get exhausted at the end of the day so, it is very vital the husband in particular pay great attention to her. When she feels like not making love at nights, the husband should understand and find ways to still connect romantically with her rather than get angry and abandon her. . At the office, she should try and delegate duties and not over stress herself to do all at the same time. As a working woman that just gave birth, ensure you try as much as you can not to neglect your personal body hygiene due to tiredness. Body grooming helps to attract your husband to you and keep you looking fresh and lovely always. Take your chores both at home and office bit by bit to avoid...